Sunday 20 September 2009

Dortmund & Antwerpen & Spinal Tap

15:30 backstage of Hog Ter Lo in Antwerpen. Slept too little and tried to sleep a bit down here but there's too much people coming and going so I started to play 1980's Kiss albums on shuffle just because Marko of Moonsorrow has a new Eric Carr tattoo. This venue is in the middle of nowhere. It would probably be wise to get out of here and go somewhere but I am just too tired. I went to bed around 4 last night. There was a huge Reiter grill party behind the venue after the show so I decided to spend a night out. I got a bit drunk in the end too. Now this starts to feel like a tour again. We are sharing a dressing room with Moonsorrow, there's Kiss on the speakers, beers or Smirnoff Ices in our hands and voices are getting louder already in the afternoon.

Yesterday was our best show of the tour. Maybe not musically but the athmosphere was just so damn good. We had a marvellous audience and we had lots of fun on the stage. We didn't even have a set list. We had a list of 22 songs and we just decided on stage which ones to play. Jonne even draw one number out of his sleeve: "You Looked Into My Eyes". He just suddenly started the intro riff and in two seconds he realized that he doesn't know how it goes. The band joined him and the first few seconds were a bit chaotic but it was soon corrected.

We a small Spinal Tap situation before the show. We lost Kalle. Everything was set up and we were just waiting the intro to start. First Kalle was there but then when Mon was trying to give him his guitar he was nowhere to be found. We searched for him quite long actually. Finally he was found right next to the stage in the crowd trying to get to the backstage without his backstage pass. The security wouldn't allow him in. Finally we managed to get him in. He had tried to go to a toilet quickly before the show but all the backstage toilets were occupied so he went out to the public side and the door behind him closed so that he couldn't get back in!

After the show we had a dance party in our dressing room. We even managed to get the Reiter guitarist join the twisting! It was indeed a good day.

1 comment:

Satu said...

Heippa, kävin katsomassa mitä sää täällä hourit. Hyvin taitaa mennä, mutta menköön! :-)