Monday, 11 October 2010

Poland, part II

October 11, on the tour bus in Slovakia, 10:45

Yep, this is turning into another episode of Jarkko-does-not-sleep-on-tour -series. Not fun. Went to bed early after the show but also woke up early. Tried to stay in the bed and see if the Sandman would show up again, but no. Got up and downstairs and have now been having a long business conversation with the booking agent and manager. Productive! Whoohoo! Talking for example about the forthcoming shows in Russia in December and the shit quality of some shirts we have here for sale.

The Poland section is over. Three shows, three success stories. Everybody's been really happy with the attendances. Yesterday the capacity was 1100 and according to the Polish promoter he sold "over 1000 tickets." The place seemed full too.

I think we did our best show so far too so this tour follows the same path as the previous ones. The fact that we do not rehearse the old songs means that after a longer break between the shows the first couple of shows are a bit shaky. Yesterday we definitely felt tighter. The set list has been different everyday. Or technically the list on the floor has been the same on every show but we have just played different songs from the list. Yesterday's changes included for example dropping "Let's Drink" and adding "Midsummer Night". I actually liked those changes. I like "Midsummer Night". It is good song and it is also fun to play. And fans love that. It is always nice to hear the roar after the first few accordion notes of the intro.

The local opener as strange. Three guy with painted faces, small black angel wings on their backs playing a strange mix of metal. I could hear lot of Primus in them. At one I heard them do Deep Purple's "Child In Time" too. Not entirely though, just the cool screaming part.

Kristof just read through the pre-sales for the remaining shows and it looks quite nice. Even the southern France shows have decent figures already. At least compared to the capacities. I am always a bit skeptical about the French shows. Especially the shows anywhere except Paris which have always been good. Elsewhere you never know what you're going to get. "France is like a box of chocolate…"

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